The problem with finding a recent picture of yourself is that I would need to take recent photos of myself to have some. I searched facebook and came up with some doozies and the most recent photo is this one:
15 Less Well Known Facts About Me (MLE)
1. I became a vegetarian for a week as a protest to my parents for forcing me to help cook chicken. (No, I'm serious. This really happened.)
2. My first concert ever was The Click Five.
3. When I am reading, an earthquake could happen and I wouldn't notice. This is something that makes people not happy with me.
4. I like Marshmallow Mateys because the ratio of marshmallows to mateys is much better than Lucky Charms.
5. The picture I had on my desk at work of Homestar was 10 years old, and I couldn't find a better one I liked besides that one.
6. I have all of the siblings, you know an older brother, an older sister, a younger brother and a younger sister. So yes, I can relate and I wouldn't change it for the world.
7. I try not to think too far in the future, it scares to think where I'll be and what I'll be doing. Even if I would like it, I like the here and now.
8. I am proud to say I know all the names of my 40+ cousins (both sides and cousin-in-laws), my family is close and I'm extremely grateful of that.
9. I am working on being better at playing the piano but I still can't sightread worth a hill of beans.
10. I love chapstick, but I'm picky about the variety. It has to be Burt's Bees original (peppermint) not the honey and pomegranate ones. I started liking this chapstick when I was in band in high school.
11. When I was in first grade, my teacher said very quiet and kind of non-social (shy). This was shocking to my parents because I was very loud at home. After that I don't think my parents were ever told that again.
12. My most embarrassing moment is when I yelled at a deaf woman because I forgot she was deaf. This was also the Girls Camp where I made the infamous "Face" that will haunt me forever.
13. I love listening to people dedicate songs to their loves on the radio. I wish there was another person like Delilah so I could listen to that.
14. I'm neither a democrat or a republican, I'm an economist.
15. One movie I can watch over and over again is "She's the Man". I don't know why but I love that movie.
Well hopefully you enjoyed that insight into the crazy. Tomorrow's all about nicknames!!!
Youre awesome! The only thing that helps me get better at sight reading is just doing it and paying attention to the key signatures.