Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Grass, Water, Jelly and other things that get on my shirt.

Today I woke up early (comparative to the normal time I wake up) and got a lot of things accomplished. By about 11:30 am. I had my to-do list done which is both a good thing and a depressing thing. Good: I was done with my to-do list. Depressing: if I got up earlier I would always have more things done at the end of the day. Either way, I was able to go and hang out with a friend I haven't seen all summer.

Seriously, the one thing about school I just love is reconnecting with the people that went home for the summer. It was great to be able to just catch up. Then I went to campus and decided because it was warm outside and I was sweating (attractively, of course) when I decided to cut through the shade of the cemetery. 

The cemetery is really pretty and not at all creepy. It also has these nice paths through it so you aren't skipping over people's graves which would be inappropriate at best. I saw a few sprinklers going but I did not think that would be a problem.

It was a problem. The next ten minutes from when I entered the cemetery to when I got out were spent playing a real-life version of frogger in which I timed by passes by running and stopping and running into people's headstones and ducking behind trees to avoid getting wet. Now, I'm sure you are wondering what the problem was, let me explain, I was wearing tennis shoes; if you get your tennis shoes you walk around with squeaky, stinky, wet feet. That was not happening if I had anything to do with it, so of course I sacrificed my ego, once again (at this point I am amazed I have any ego left) and decided that non-squeaky shoes were the best bet. 

I honestly am excited for school to start. 

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