Monday, August 30, 2010

School, News, and Nostalgia

I found out some startling news today: My cousin is a lot better about informing the world of news related to me than I am. 

"How," you ask, "can a pregnant woman tell so many people info about you? I mean she's pregnant so aren't people asking about her?" 

Oh, you silly and rather naive reader, you forget that Jessica has super human powers and can turn any question about her into a way to spread the news.


Person: Jess, how's the baby?

Jess: Not as good as the one Emily is about to have.

*awkward pause*

Person: Emily's....pregnant?!?

Jess: No, but's she's seriously dating a guy and might be engaged soon and have a kid soon after.

Person: (completely forgetting about their original thought) who's she dating?

and then Jess is free to tell them all about my dating life. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not upset or anything, I just get confused when people then come up to me and ask how's the boyfriend and I start to wonder exactly how they know about that because I did not say anything to them. 


Person: Emily!!! So how's the boyfriend?

Me: how did you know? (sometimes I think they can just sense it, then they say this:)

Person: Jess told me, so are things going good? do you miss him? 

Me: yes and yes.

Person: tell me all.

and then I feel very weird as I tell them a story they already know...sort of. I mean Jess knows a lot so she's able to tell a lot of the story. Because this is the first day of school, I have had this conversation a lot, along with making it to all of my classes and actually feeling like I fit in, fairly well. It's a nice change from feeling like a fool trying to find her classes. 

I found that the only thing I am missing from my classes is the yin to my yang in class. Her name is Lia Cutler, and she and I mainly have all of our classes together but this is the first semester that she is not in school with me. She is going on a mission, so it's not like she isn't doing anything but I definitely miss her in class. I had to laugh at myself when funny things happened. It felt odd. Hopefully, this feeling will go away.

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